Created for NSFW MiniJam #8

A healer by day, witch by night. Balthazar the brothel owner has hired your services to develop a potion to turn wenches into babes. Only problem is what is the right mix of ingredients? 

To find out you set up shop in a small pit stop along a popular roadway. Lots of travellers pass through and spend a few days before heading out again. This means plenty of test subjects to experiment with different potions.

During the day collect/buy ingredients, mix potions, exam/record effects and treat infected travellers.

At night, fly around on a broom and test out your potions on the travellers.

Be careful though, if they see you they might start to recognize you! Last thing you want is to be burned at the stake.

Gameplay and Controls:

When in witch mode fly behind travellers with a potion equipped and press J to administer. Once the meter fills up the potion has been administered. You can drop them by pressing J again.

If they see you they will run away from you. They will seek refuge in the Inn or they will runaway out of the area and leave the pit stop forever.

When on foot infected travellers will line up outside your clinic. Press K to invite one in. Press K to remove clothes to examine. Press F to see Records of potions made and who consumed it. Click to fill out the effects to track ingredient effects. Press J to give one potion to patient(optional). Press K to end examination. If a negative effect was removed or a positive effect gained, patient will pay for your help.

Ingredients can be purchased at nearby stalls and sticks are free.

Ingredients have one positive and one negative effect. Except sticks they neutralize the negative effect of 2 of the ingredients.

The Positive effect will occur if the quantity is greater then the quantity of the ingredient causing the negative effect.

Ex. If Ingredient1 causes a tight ass but ingredient2 causes a fat ass

If Ingredient 1 qty > Ingredient 2 qty = tight ass

If Ingredient 1 qty <= Ingredient 2 qty = fat ass

If you've discovered the babe potion apply it and the drop the traveller into the mountain ledge cauldron to send them to Balthazar and collect payment.

Use R to cycle record pages

Use E to cycle potions

Use L to skip to day/night

Use WASD to fly

AD to walk

1-5 to add ingredient to make potion

6 to brew and collect potion

ESC to exit

Updated 29 days ago
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Made withGameMaker
TagsAdult, NSFW
Average sessionA few seconds


WitchDocter.exe 2.8 MB

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